March 21, 2019, at Baylor University

Our team

  • Dr. Chiung-Yu Huang
    • Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
    • University of California, San Francisco
  • Dr. Kieren Marr
    • School of Medicine
    • Johns Hopkins University
  • Dr. Gongjun Xu
    • Department of Statistics
    • University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  • Dr. Jun Yan
    • Department of Statistics
    • University of Connecticut


  • Motivation and background
  • Existing methods
  • Proposed model
    • Estimation procedure
    • Inference
  • Simulation
  • Transplant infections data
  • Conclusion
  • Reference

Motivating data

  • Transplant infections data
  • Infections are common recurrent events that can contribute to death after transplant.
  • Initiated in 2012 at the Johns Hopkins Hospital:
    • Institutional Review Boards approved protocol.
    • 161 kidney transplant recipients.
    • Median follow-up time is 20.2 months.
    • An average of 1.8 infection episodes per patient.
  • Primary objective: Evaluate morbidity and mortality after transplant.

Transplant infections data

  • \(t_{ij}\): the \(j\)th infection of the \(i\)th patient.
  • \(Y_i\): the terminal event time of the \(i\)th patient.
  • Patients were contacted roughly every 3 months.
  • Patients were followed until death or the end of study.
  • More infection \(\rightarrow\) shorter survival time?

Transplant infections data

  • Of the 161 patients who received kidney transplant
    • Age at transplant (categorized into ≥ 65 vs < 65 years).
      • 31 were 65 years old or older
    • Race (White vs other).
      • 91 were white.
    • Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)
      • 31 received transplantation from a HLA incompatible donor.

Visualization - Event plot

Event plot with reReg

  • A snapshot of our data:
> dat
# A tibble: 246 x 7
      id  Time event status   age race  HLA             
   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>           
 1     1   718     0      1     1 white HLA Compatible  
 2     2   717     0      1     0 white HLA Incompatible
 3     3    29     1      0     0 white HLA Incompatible
 4     3    85     1      0     0 white HLA Incompatible
 5     3   106     1      0     0 white HLA Incompatible
 6     3   155     1      0     0 white HLA Incompatible
 7     3   204     1      0     0 white HLA Incompatible
 8     3   227     1      0     0 white HLA Incompatible
 9     3   318     1      0     0 white HLA Incompatible
10     3   468     0      1     0 white HLA Incompatible
# ... with 236 more rows

Event plot with reReg

> plotEvents(reSurv(Time, id, event, status) ~ race, data = dat) +
+       theme(legend.position="none")
> plotEvents(reSurv(Time, id, event, status) ~ HLA, data = dat) +
+       theme(legend.position="none")


  • \(N_i(t)\): counting process of recurrent events of interest for the \(i\)th subject, \(i = 1, \ldots,n\).
  • \(t_{ij}\): the \(j\)th infection of the \(i\)th patient.
  • \(C_i\): noninformative censoring time of the \(i\)th patient.
  • \(D_i\): informative censoring time of the \(i\)th patient.
  • \(\tau\): recurrent events can potentially be observed up to time \(\tau\).
  • \(Y_i\): terminal event time of the \(i\)th patient, \(Y_i = \min(C_i, D_i, \tau)\).
  • \(m_i\): number of events observed before time \(Y_i\).
  • \(X_i\): the \(p\times1\) covariate vector.

  • Observed data are independent and identically distributed copies of \(\{N_i(t), Y_i, X_i: t\le Y_i, i = 1, \ldots, n\}.\)

Existing methods for recurrent events

  • Various regression models formulates the rate function for the counting process, given covariate: \(\lambda_i(t)d t = E\left[d N_i(t)| X_i\right]\).
  • Cox-type proportional rate models: \[ \lambda_i(t) = \lambda_0(t) e^{X_i^\top\beta}.\]
    • Pepe and Cai (1993),Lawless and Nadeau (1995), D. Lin et al. (2000).
    • Covariates have a multiplicative effect on the baseline rate function.
  • Accelerated rate model: \[ \lambda_i(t) = \lambda_0(t e^{X_i^\top\beta}).\]
    • Chen and Wang (2000) and Ghosh (2004).
    • Covariate modify the time-scale on the baseline rate function.

Existing methods for recurrent events

  • Accelerated mean model: \[ \lambda_i(t) = \lambda_0(t e^{X_i^\top\beta}) e^{X_i^\top\beta}.\]
    • D. Y. Lin, Wei, and Ying (1998)
    • \(E\{N_i(t)|X_i\}=\Lambda_0(te^{X_i^\top\alpha})\).
    • Covariates modify the time scale of the cumulative mean function.
  • General class model: \[ \lambda_i(t) = \lambda_0(t e^{X_i^\top\alpha}) e^{X_i^\top\beta}.\]
    • Sun and Su (2008)
    • Two types of covariate effects:
    • Scale-change effect that alters the time scale.
    • Multiplicative effect.

Existing methods for recurrent events

  • These methods require a noninformative censoring assumption
  • Failing to account for informative censoring \(\rightarrow\) substantial bias in inferences
    • Cook and Lawless (1997),Ghosh and Lin (2002),Luo, Wang, and Huang (2010).
  • Joint frailty models:
    • Ye, Kalbfleisch, and Schaubel (2007),Zeng and Lin (2009), etc.
    • Captures the association between \(Y_i\) and \(N_i(t)\).
    • Accounts for heterogeneity that cannot be explained by \(X_i\).
    • Often requires a parametric assumption on the frailty distribution.
    • Performance depends on correct modeling of the terminal event.
> args(reReg)
function (formula, data, B = 200, method = c("cox.LWYY", "cox.GL", 
    "cox.HW", "am.GL", "am.XCHWY", "sc.XCYH"), se = c("NULL", 
    "bootstrap", "resampling"), contrasts = NULL, control = list()) 

Proposed model

  • We formulate the rate function for \(N_i(t)\), given \(X_i\) and an unobserved subject-specific nonnegative frailty \(Z_i\): \(\lambda_i(t) d t= E[d N_i(t) \mid Z_i,X_i]\), \[\lambda_i(t) = Z_i\lambda_0(te^{X_i^\top\alpha})e^{X_i^\top\beta}, t\in[0, \tau].\]

  • We assume \(Y_i\perp N_i(\cdot)|(Z_i, X_i)\), without specifying a model for \(Y_i\).
  • \(Z_i\) has an unspecified distribution with \(E(Z_i^2)<\infty\).
  • \(Z_i\) inflates (or deflates) the occurrence rate of recurrent events.
  • Identifiability condition:
    • \(\int_0^\tau\lambda_0(u)\,d u = 1\).
    • \(E(Z_i|X_i) = \mu_z\) is an unknown constant.

Proposed model

  • Our model includes many existing models as special cases:
    • \(\alpha = 0\) Wang, Qin, and Chiang (2001), Huang and Wang (2004): \[\lambda_i(t) =Z_i \lambda_0(t )e^{X_i^\top\beta}.\]
    • \(\beta = 0\) Ghosh (2004): \[\lambda_i(t) =Z_i \lambda_0(t e^{X_i^\top\alpha }).\]
    • \(\alpha = \beta\) Xu et al. (2017): \[\lambda_i(t) =Z_i \lambda_0(te^{X_i^\top\alpha} )e^{ X_i^\top\alpha}.\]
  • Our model also allows model selection through testing \(H_o: \alpha = 0\), \(H_o: \beta = 0\), and \(H_o: \alpha = \beta\).

Estimation procedure

  • Two step estimation: \(\alpha\) and \(\Lambda_0(t) = \int_0^t\lambda_0(u)d u\), then \(\beta\).
  • \(Z_i\) is an unobserved frailty that does not need to be estimated.
  • Does not require a Poisson assumption.
  • Does not need to model terminal events.

Estimation of \(\alpha\) and \(\Lambda_0\)

  • Consider the transformation \(t^*_{ij} = t_{ij}e^{X_i^\top \alpha}\), \(Y_i^* = Y_ie^{X_i^\top \alpha}\)
  • The counting process on the transformed time scale. \[N_i^*(t) = \sum_{j = 1}^{m_i} I(t_{ij}^*\le t) = \sum_{j = 1}^{m_i}I(t_{ij}\le te^{X_i^\top \alpha}) = N_i(te^{X_i^\top \alpha}).\]
  • This implies \[ \begin{equation} E\{N_i^*(t)|X_i, Z_i, Y_i^*\} = Z_i\Lambda_0(t)e^{X_i^\top (\beta-\alpha)}, \,\,\,\,\,\,(1) \end{equation} \] the mean function follows the Cox-type proportional model with a multiplicative frailty.

Estimation of \(\alpha\) and \(\Lambda_0\)

  • Condition on \(\{X_i, Z_i, Y_i, m_i\}\), the \(m_i\) event times \(t^*_{ij}\)'s can be seem as order statistics of iid random variables with (truncation) density function: \[ \frac{Z_i\lambda_0(t)e^{-X_i^\top (\beta-\alpha)}}{Z_i\Lambda_0(Y_i^*)e^{-X_i^\top (\beta-\alpha)}} =\frac{\lambda_0(t)}{\Lambda_0(Y^*_i)}, t \le Y_i^*. \]
  • This technique was first applied by Wang, Qin, and Chiang (2001).
  • This (truncation) density implies \[ E\{N_i^*(t)|X_i, Z_i, Y_i^*, m_i\} = \sum_{j=1}^{m_i}P(t_{ij}^*\le t) = m_i\frac{\Lambda_0(t)}{\Lambda_0(Y_i^*)}, t\le Y_i^\ast.\,\, (2) \]
  • \(E\{m_i(t)|X_i, Z_i, Y_i^*\} = Z_i\Lambda(Y_i^*)e^{X_i^\top(\beta-\alpha)}\), (2) implies (1).
  • This motivates us to extend methods for right-truncated survival data Wang (1989) to construct estimating equation.

Estimation of \(\alpha\) and \(\Lambda_0\)

  • We derive a zero mean stochastic process \[M_i^*(t) = N_i^*(t) - \int_0^tR_i^*(u)d H(u), \] for \(R_i^*(t) = \sum_{j=1}^{m_i}I\{t_{ij}^*\le t\le Y_i^*\}\), \(H(t) = \log \Lambda_0(t)\).

  • \(M_i^*(t)\) is a zero mean stochastic process, we have \(E\left\{ \sum_{i=1}^n\int_0^td M_i^*(u) \right\}=0\) and \(E\left\{ \sum_{i=1}^n\int_0^tX_i\,d M_i^*(u) \right\}=0\).

Estimation of \(\alpha\) and \(\Lambda_0\)

  • This gives us two estimating equations: \[n^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^n\int_0^\infty\left\{X_i - \frac{\sum_{j = 1}^nX_jR_j^*(t)}{\sum_{j = 1}^nR_j^*(t)}\right\}d N_i^*(t) = 0\] and \[\widehat H_n(t, a) = -\int_t^\infty\frac{\sum_{i=1}^nd N_i^*(u)}{\sum_{i=1}^nR_i^*(u)}.\]
  • \(\Lambda_0(t)\) can be estimated by \(\exp\{\widehat H_n(t)\}\).

Estimation of \(\beta\)

  • Under our model \(\lambda_i(t) = Z_i\lambda_0(te^{X_i^\top\alpha})e^{X_i^\top\beta}\), \(m_i\) satisfies \[E(m_i|X_i, Y_i^*, Z_i) = Z_i\Lambda_0(Y_i^*)e^{X_i^\top(\beta-\alpha)} \]
  • This gives an estimating equation to solve for \(\beta\): \[ n^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^nX_i\left[m_i\hat\Lambda_n^{-1}\{Y_i^*(\hat \alpha_n)\} - e^{X_i^\top(\beta - \hat\alpha_n)}\right]=0 \]


  • We use perturbed estimating functions to estimate the target sandwich variance estimator: \(\sum = J_{\alpha, \beta}^{-1}V_{\alpha, \beta}J_{\alpha, \beta}^{-1}\).
> args(reReg)
function (formula, data, B = 200, method = c("cox.LWYY", "cox.GL", 
    "cox.HW", "am.GL", "am.XCHWY", "sc.XCYH"), se = c("NULL", 
    "bootstrap", "resampling"), contrasts = NULL, control = list()) 
  • \(n^{1/2}(\hat \alpha_n - \alpha)\) and \(n^{1/2}(\hat \beta_n - \beta)\) converge weakly to a zero mean multivariate normal distribution.
  • \(n^{1/2}\{\hat\Lambda_n(t, \hat\alpha_n) - \Lambda_0(t)\}\), \(t\in[0,\tau]\), converges weakly to a mean-zero Gaussian process.

Simulation 1

  • Recurrent event process from a non-stationary Poisson process with rate \[ \lambda(t) = Z\lambda_0(te^{\alpha_1X_1 + \alpha_2X_2})e^{\beta_1X_1 + \beta_2X_2}.\]
  • Baseline rate function \(\lambda_0(t) = [2(1+t)]^{-1}\).
  • \(X_1\) and \(X_2\) were generated from independent standard normal.
  • \(Y_i=\min(60e^{-X_1}/Z, 60)\).
  • Scenarios:
    • \(Z = 1\) or \(Z\sim Gamma(4, 4)\).
    • \(n = 200, 400.\)
    • \(\alpha_1 = \alpha_2 = -1\), \(\beta_1 = \beta_2=1\).
  • Average observed recurrent event ranges from 1.5 to 5.7.
  • Compare results to Sun and Su (2008), which requires a noninformative censoring assumption.
  • 1000 replicates.

Simulation 1

> args(simSC)
function (n, a, b, indCen = TRUE, type = c("cox", "am", "sc"), 
    tau = 60, zVar = 0.25, summary = FALSE) 
> invisible(simSC(200, c(-1, -1), c(1, 1), summary = TRUE))

Summary results for number of recurrent event per subject:
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   0.00    1.00    3.00    6.81    8.00   99.00 

Number of failures: 91 (45.5%); Number of censored events: 109 (54.5%)

Number of x1 == 1: 99 (49.5%); Number of x1 == 0: 101 (50.5%)
Summary results for x2:
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
-2.7018 -0.7563 -0.1014 -0.1015  0.6459  2.0143 

Simulation 1

Simulation 2

  • Investigate the performance of the hypothesis.
  • Two scenarios:
    • Hold \(\alpha_1 = \alpha_2 = 0\), vary \(\beta_1 = \beta_2 = K\), where \(K\in[-1,1]\).
    • Hold \(\beta_1 = \beta_2 = 0\), vary \(\alpha_1 = \alpha_2 = K\), where \(K\in[-1,1]\).
  • For each configuration of \((\alpha_1, \alpha_2)\) and \((\beta_1, \beta_2)\), we test
    • \(H_o:\alpha = 0\); Cox-type model {\(\lambda(t) = Z\lambda_0(t) e^{X^\top\beta}\).}
    • \(H_o: \beta=0\); Accelerated rate model {\(\lambda(t) = Z\lambda_0(te^{X^\top\alpha})\).}
    • \(H_o:\beta - \alpha = 0\); Accelerated mean model \(\lambda(t) = Z\lambda_0(te^{X^\top\beta})e^{X^\top\beta}\).
  • Compute empirical power based on 1000 replicates.

Simulation 2

  • Rejection rates based on 1000 replications at 0.05 significance level.
  • Solid lines: \(H_0: \alpha = 0\) (Cox assumption).
  • Dashed lines: \(H_0: \beta = 0\) (accelerated rate assumption).
  • Dotted lines: \(H_0: \gamma = 0\) (accelerated mean assumption).

Transplant infections data

> fit <- reReg(reSurv(Time, id, event, status) ~ age + race + HLA, 
>              data = dat, method = "sc.XCYH")
> summary(fit)
  • \(H_o: \alpha = 0\) gives a \(p\)-value of 0.52.
  • \(H_o: \beta = 0\) and \(H_o: \beta - \alpha = 0\) are rejected at \(\alpha = 0.01\).
  • Patients with HLA incompatibility is expected to have 4.22 times more infections.

Future works

  • Multivariate recurrent events
    • Patients experienced different types of infections.
    • Bloodstream infections, viral infections, gastrointestinal infection.
  • Application to panel count
    • Skin cancer chemoprevention trail conducted at the University of Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Center Bailey et al. (2010).
    • The occurrence of skin tumors is the recurrent event.
    • Only the numbers of events that occur between successive examination times are observed.


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Chen, Ying Qing, and Mei-Cheng Wang. 2000. “Estimating a Treatment Effect with the Accelerated Hazards Models.” Controlled Clinical Trials 21 (4). Elsevier: 369–80.

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Ghosh, Debashis. 2004. “Accelerated Rates Regression Models for Recurrent Failure Time Data.” Lifetime Data Analysis 10 (3): 247–61.

Ghosh, Debashis, and DY Lin. 2002. “Marginal Regression Models for Recurrent and Terminal Events.” Statistica Sinica 12 (3): 663–88.

Huang, Chiung-Yu, and Mei-Cheng Wang. 2004. “Joint Modeling and Estimation for Recurrent Event Processes and Failure Time Data.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 99 (468): 1153–65.

Lawless, Jerald F, and Claude Nadeau. 1995. “Some Simple Robust Methods for the Analysis of Recurrent Events.” Technometrics 37 (2). Taylor & Francis: 158–68.

Lin, D Y, L J Wei, and Zhiliang Ying. 1998. “Accelerated Failure Time Models for Counting Processes.” Biometrika 85 (3): 605–18.

Lin, DY, LJ Wei, I Yang, and Z Ying. 2000. “Semiparametric Regression for the Mean and Rate Functions of Recurrent Events.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B 62 (4). Wiley Online Library: 711–30.

Luo, Xianghua, Mei-Cheng Wang, and Chiung-Yu Huang. 2010. “A Comparison of Various Rate Functions of a Recurrent Event Process in the Presence of a Terminal Event.” Statistical Methods in Medical Research 19 (2): 167–82.

Pepe, Margaret Sullivan, and Jianwen Cai. 1993. “Some Graphical Displays and Marginal Regression Analyses for Recurrent Failure Times and Time Dependent Covariates.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 88 (423). Taylor & Francis: 811–20.

Sun, Liuquan, and Bin Su. 2008. “A Class of Accelerated Means Regression Models for Recurrent Event Data.” Lifetime Data Analysis 14 (3): 357–75.

Wang, Mei-Cheng. 1989. “A Semiparametric Model for Randomly Truncated Data.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 84 (407). Taylor & Francis: 742–48.

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Xu, Gongjun, Sy Han Chiou, Chiung-Yu Huang, Mei-Cheng Wang, and Jun Yan. 2017. “Joint Scale-Change Models for Recurrent Events and Failure Time.” Journal of the American Statistical Association. Taylor & Francis.

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Zeng, Donglin, and DY Lin. 2009. “Semiparametric Transformation Models with Random Effects for Joint Analysis of Recurrent and Terminal Events.” Biometrics 65 (3): 746–52.